Manufacturing in Victoria today is flexible, digital, internationally connected and strongly grounded in the state’s strengths in research and innovation.

Both nationally and globally, Victoria is a leader in advanced manufacturing.

Victoria knows how to build vibrant, home-grown manufacturers and how to attract leading multinationals and their supply chains to locate here as a foundation for their, and our, success.

Such international companies, all with a strong presence here, include Moderna, Boeing, Alstom, Mars Global and Hanwha.

Through applied innovations and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies, these businesses are using Victorian capability and know-how to succeed on the world stage.

As the world moves into a new era defined by localised, zero emissions, and more advanced manufacturing, Victoria can lead the way.

We will do this by building on our existing strengths and supporting Victorian manufacturers to invest in advanced technologies, skills and business models.

These capabilities are relevant across the whole of manufacturing, and the Victorian Government is backing all manufacturers to become more advanced and competitive through smart adoption of new approaches and techniques.

Made in Victoria 2030: Manufacturing Statement sets out the Victorian Government’s priorities for enhancing sovereign advanced manufacturing, attracting and stimulating investment, and creating new jobs for Victoria.

The Victorian Government is committed to supporting local manufacturers to succeed and to create highly skilled, high-value jobs that deliver greater prosperity for Victorians.

Link to Statement: MadeinVictoria-2030-Manufacturing-Statement.pdf (

Source: Manufacturing Statement | Made in Victoria | Jobs, Precincts and Regions (